不知為什麼, 有時候要 Download Firmware to LPC2103 時會出現
No Algorithm found for: 00000000H - 00001FC3H
Programming skipped!
後來發現要檢查 Options for Target -> Utilities -> Setting 設定:
1. RAM for Algorithm: Star: 0x40000000, Size: 0x0800
2. Programming Algorithm: LPC2000 IAP2 32KB Flash
How to Outputs PDF File from Gnuplot
之前都是直接在 視窗輸出 之後再手動 列印成 PDF File
其實也可以直接輸出 PDF File:
gnuplot> set term pdf (will produce PDF output)
gnuplot> set output "printme.pdf" (output to any filename you use)
gnuplot> replot (recreates plot but you don't see it, goes to file)
[OpenTaipei城市概念專輯] #03 HERE TO STAY
[OpenTaipei城市概念專輯] #04 在這城市寫下愛
OpenSuSE 11.1 上的 TCL Library
把之前在 Mac OS 上 跑的 NAND Flash Static Wear Leveling 的 EV程式
拿到 SuSE 上跑,結果居然 Compile 不起來
發現是 “-ltcl” 無法 link 到 正確的 TCL Library
若將之改為 “-ltcl8.5” 就 OK
好像是 TCL Library 在 Install 時有問題
$ (cd /usr/lib; sudo ln -s libtcl8.5.o libtcl.o)
$ (cd /usr/lib64; sudo ln -s libtcl8.5.o libtcl.o)
這樣 “-ltcl” 就 OK 了。
Webb 第一次上台
這是 Webb 第一次上台,有這樣的表現,已相當不錯了。
讓 HandBrake 支援 iPhone 4
SVN + http + NIS Authentication on OpenSUSE 11.2
Step.1 Install OpenSUSE 11.2
- New Installation
- English
- select GNOME Desktop
- LVM Partitioning
- /boot : 70.57MB
/ : 40GB
/srv : max
swap : 4GB - disable Fireware
- NTP: time.stdtime.gov.tw
Step.2 Network
- IP : 192.168.103.xxx
- Gateway :
- Subnet Mask :
- DNS : 192.168.xxx.xxx
- Hostname : svn
Step.3 NIS Client
- domain: xxx
- server: 192.168.xxx.xxx
- Enable automount
- Check /etc/nsswitch.conf setting
- passwd: files nis
group: files nis
shadow: files nis
hosts: files nis dns
Step.4 Add Software Repository
- Apache Module
- http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Apaches:/Modules/OpenSUSE_11.2
- RemoteDesktop
- http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/RemoteDesktop/OpenSUSE_11.2
Step.5 Install Nvidia Driver
- Visit http://en.opensuse.org/NVIDIA_drivers
Step.6 Software Install by using yast2
- Update All Patches
- Install Apache
- apache2
apache2-mod_perl, apache2-mod_php5,
yast2-http-server - Install FTP server
- pure-ftpd
yast2-ftp-server - Install Development Tools
- gcc, gcc-c++, make, autoconf, compat
Step.7 Enable Network Service
- enable sshd, autofs, httpd service
Step.8 SVN Repository
- create directory
#mkdir /srv/svn/projects
#mkdir /srv/svn/users - Change Owner
# chown -R wwwrun /srv/svn
# chgrp -R www /srv/svn - Create SVN Repository
# sudo -u wwwrun svnadmin create /srv/svn/projects
# sudo -u wwwrun svnadmin create /srv/svn/users
Step.9 Apache + NIS Auth
- Reference: http://forums.opensuse.org/get-help-here/network-internet/436171-nis-system-auth-apache-subversion.html
- Download pwauth source code, modify and Recompile
- Download pwauth-2.3.8.tar.gz from http://code.google.com/p/pwauth/downloads/list
# tar -zxvf pwauth-2.3.8.tar.gz
# cd pwauth-2.3.8
# vi config.h- change
- #define SERVER_UIDS 72 /* user "nobody" */
- #define SERVER_UIDS 30 /* user "wwwrun" */
# make
# cp ./pwauth /usr/bin
# chmod 4755 /usr/bin/pwauth
- Install checkpassword-pam
- Download checkpassword-pam-0.99.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/projects/checkpasswd-pam/files
# tar -zxvf checkpassword-pam-0.99.tar.gz
# cd checkpassword-pam-0.99
# ./configure
# make
# make install - create /etc/pam.d/httpd is
auth include common-auth
account include common-account
password include common-password
session include common-session - In /etc/apache2/default-server.conf, add:
AddExternalAuth pwauth /usr/bin/pwauth
AddExternalAuth checkpassword-pam "/usr/local/bin/checkpassword-pam -H --noenv --debug --stdout -s httpd -- /bin/true"
SetExternalAuthMethod checkpassword-pam checkpassword
AddExternalGroup unixgroup /usr/bin/unixgroup
SetExternalGroupMethod unixgroup environment - In the /etc/apache2/conf.d/subversion.conf:
- DAV svn
SVNParentPath /home/srv/svn
SVNListParentPath on
# Limit write permission to list of valid users.
# Require SSL connection for password protection.
# SSLRequireSSL
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Server"
AuthExternal checkpassword-pam
AuthBasicProvider external
Require valid-user
AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svnaccess.conf - In the /etc/apache2/conf.d/authnz_external.conf :
- AddExternalAuth pwauth /usr/sbin/pwauth
SetExternalAuthMethod pwauth pipe - Enable aoache module and restart apache2
# a2enmod authnz_external
# a2enmod dav
# a2enmod dav_svn
# a2enmod authz_svn
# a2enmod perl
# rcapache2 restart
Step.10 Setup FreeNX
- # nxsetup –install –setup-nomachine-key –clean
Display Localized Directory Name on Mac OS X
範例:目錄 Work,在中文環境下顯示『工作』
1. change directory “Work” to “Work.localized”
2. create a diectory ./Work.localized/.localized
3. create a file ./Work.localized/.localized/en.strings
"Work" = "Work";
4. create a file ./Work.localized/.localized/zh_TW.strings
"Work" = "工作";
因為要上傳影片到 Youtube
可是在 Mac OS X 下好像沒有好用的軟體
可又不想用 Quicktime 來一個一個手動分割
寫了一個 AppleScript
File name : splite.scpt
(* Splite Quicktime Movie into equally sized for Youtube YF Chen yfc@yfchen.com *) set sourceFile to choose file with prompt "choose video file as source" set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder for the slices:") as text tell application "Finder" my splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder) end tell on splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder) tell application "QuickTime Player 7" activate try open sourceFile on error display dialog "Open a movie first" buttons ["OK"] with title "Error" return end try -- get active movie set sourceDoc to document 1 set theDuration to duration of sourceDoc set theTitle to name of sourceDoc set DurOverlap to 2 -- 2sec overlaping set DurScal to (90 * 1000) -- calculate segments set DurCut to (9 * 60) -- 9 min set DurDoc to (duration of sourceDoc) / DurScal set NumOfSeg to DurDoc div DurCut -- loop each segment repeat with i from 0 to NumOfSeg -- set segment selection set durStart to (i * DurCut) * DurScal set durEnd to ((i + 1) * DurCut + DurOverlap) * DurScal if durEnd > theDuration then set durEnd to theDuration end if set selection start of sourceDoc to durStart set selection end of sourceDoc to durEnd -- copy selection into new movie copy sourceDoc set newdoc to make new document paste newdoc set theSlice to i as integer as string set theFile to (theTitle & "_" & theSlice) & ".mov" as string set theFile_full to (theFolder & theFile) as string try save self contained newdoc in theFile_full end try close document theFile end repeat close sourceDoc quit end tell end splitteVideo