Step.1 先到 這裡 下載 systemverilog.vim
augroup filetypedetect
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sv setf systemverilog
augroup END
Step.1 先到 這裡 下載 systemverilog.vim
augroup filetypedetect
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sv setf systemverilog
augroup END
Download systemc-2.2.0.tgz from
$ tar zxvf ./system-2.2.0.tgz
因為 gcc 是 4.x.x 版,所以要做 patch,compile 才會過
修改 systemc-2.2.0b/src/sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.cpp
#include "string.h"
#include "cstdlib"
Compile SystemC and Install
$ sudo mkdir /opt/systemc
$ cd system-2.2.0
$ mkdir objdir
$ cd objdir
$ ../configure --prefix=/opt/systemc
$ make
$ make check # if you want to check
$ sudo make install
Package Requirement:
Step.1 Configuration Password-less ssh Access for the root User
=== PC1 ===
// Generate SSH Key # ssh-keygen -t rsa
// Put SSH public key to slave PC2~4 # rsync -av /root/.ssh/ root@PC2:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
# rsync -av /root/.ssh/ root@PC3:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
# rsync -av /root/.ssh/ root@PC4:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
// Test Password-less ssh access for root user
# ssh root@PC2
# ssh root@PC3
# ssh root@PC4
Step.2 Download Sun Grid Engine
Sun Grid Engine 6.2 Update 4, Linux x86 (required), tar.gz format
Step.3 Setup SGE Master / Execute Node
# mkdir /home/srv/sge6-2
# cd /home/srv/sge6-2
# tar -zxvf $DOWNLOAD/sge6_2u4/sge-6_2-common.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf $DOWNLOAD/sge6_2u4/sge-6_2u4-bin-linux24-x64.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf $DOWNLOAD/sge6_2u4/sge-6_2u4-bin-linux24-i586.tar.gz
# SGE_ROOT=/home/srv/sge6-2; export SGE_ROOT
# util/ $SGE_ROOT
// GUI Install # ./start_gui_installer
Step.4 Test
# source /home/srv/sge6-2/cell_eda/common/settings.csh
# qsub
The FreeNX package is no longer present in the official openSUSE 11.2 repositories. You can find the package in the Build Service.
rpm -ivh
寫 Verilog時,
可在 Verilog file 裡加上
由於 Mac OS X 10.6 並未內建 md5sum
所以先安裝 md5sum
可以一次列出所有檔案的 MD5 Checksum,包含子目錄
檢查所有檔案的 MD5 Checksum,包含子目錄
1. 在shell中用root登陸服務器
2. 進入mysql目錄 (linux Server):
3. 利用mysql自帶的mysqldump功能dump一下原有的latin1編集的數據庫:
4. 把數據庫數據從latin1轉換成utf-8編集:
5. 創建新的urf-8新數據庫:
6. 以正確編集導入轉碼後的數據庫數據:
新家開張 !!