在 Mac OS X 上跑簡單的 Verilog

下載 MacPorts 並安裝
之後打開 Terminal

    $ sudo port install iverilog

輸入密碼後,就會自動安裝 iVerilog (Verilog Simulator)

    $ iverilog -o test ./test.v
    $ ./test

Display Localized Directory Name on Mac OS X

範例:目錄 Work,在中文環境下顯示『工作』
1. change directory “Work” to “Work.localized”
2. create a diectory ./Work.localized/.localized
3. create a file ./Work.localized/.localized/en.strings

"Work" = "Work";

4. create a file ./Work.localized/.localized/zh_TW.strings

"Work" = "工作";


因為要上傳影片到 Youtube
可是在 Mac OS X 下好像沒有好用的軟體
可又不想用 Quicktime 來一個一個手動分割
寫了一個 AppleScript
File name : splite.scpt

    Splite Quicktime Movie into equally sized for Youtube
    YF Chen

    set sourceFile to choose file with prompt "choose video file as source"
    set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder for the slices:") as text

    tell application "Finder"
        my splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder)
    end tell

    on splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder)
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
            open sourceFile
            on error
            display dialog "Open a movie first" buttons ["OK"] with title "Error"
        end try

        -- get active movie
        set sourceDoc to document 1
        set theDuration to duration of sourceDoc
        set theTitle to name of sourceDoc
        set DurOverlap to 2 -- 2sec overlaping
        set DurScal to (90 * 1000)

        -- calculate segments
        set DurCut to (9 * 60) -- 9 min
        set DurDoc to (duration of sourceDoc) / DurScal
        set NumOfSeg to DurDoc div DurCut

        -- loop each segment
        repeat with i from 0 to NumOfSeg
            -- set segment selection
            set durStart to (i * DurCut) * DurScal
            set durEnd to ((i + 1) * DurCut + DurOverlap) * DurScal
            if durEnd > theDuration then
                set durEnd to theDuration
            end if
            set selection start of sourceDoc to durStart
            set selection end of sourceDoc to durEnd
            -- copy selection into new movie
            copy sourceDoc
            set newdoc to make new document
            paste newdoc
            set theSlice to i as integer as string
            set theFile to (theTitle & "_" & theSlice) & ".mov" as string
            set theFile_full to (theFolder & theFile) as string
                save self contained newdoc in theFile_full
            end try
            close document theFile
        end repeat

        close sourceDoc

    end tell

end splitteVideo

在 Mac OS X 10.6 安裝 SVN

Create User/Password for Access Control

sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache2/svn-auth-file username

Create /etc/apache2/other/svn.conf:

LoadModule dav_svn_module /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so
<Location /svn>
    DAV svn
    SVNParentPath /Users/SVN-ROOT
    SVNListParentPath on
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Subversion repository"
    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn-auth-file
    Require valid-user

This will make the Subversion repository /Users/SVN-ROOT available at http://localhost/svn .

Update the repositories owner (otherwise commits would fail):

chown -R www:www /Users/SVN-ROOT

Restart Apache

sudo apachectl restart