最近這幾次升級 OpenSuSE 時都遇到一些問題
這次仍然使用 command line 的 方式
$ zypper modifyrepo --all --disable $ zypper addrepo --name "openSUSE-12.2-OSS" http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.2/repo/oss/ repo-12.2-oss $ zypper addrepo --name "openSUSE-12.2-Non-Oss" http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.2/repo/non-oss/ repo-12.2-non-oss $ zypper addrepo --refresh --name "openSUSE-12.2 Update-Oss" http://download.opensuse.org/update/12.2/ repo-12.2-update $ zypper addrepo --refresh --name "openSUSE-12.2-Update-Non-Oss" http://download.opensuse.org/update/12.2-non-oss/ repo-12.2-non-oss-update $ zypper dup --download "in-advance"
經過漫長下載與安裝後,重新開機…. 但是
居然 GRUB 開機失敗!
.... Kernel (hd0,0)/grub2/core.img root=/dev/system/root resume=/dev/system/swap splash=silent quiet showopts vga=0x31a Error 15: File not found Press any key to continue...
似乎是從 GRUB 到 GRUB2 升級失敗?
後來發現 /grub2/core.img 這路徑不對,應該是 /grub2/i386-pc/core.img 才對
先進到 GRUB 將啟動參數路徑修改正確 press “e”
Kernel (hd0,0)/grub2/i386-pc/core.img root=/dev/system/root resume=/dev/system/swap splash=silent quiet showopts vga=0x31a
and than press “b” to boot:
結果,似乎只將 GRUB2 啟動,OpenSuSE 沒動靜??
只好 press “c” 進到命令列,手動啟動 OpenSuSE
> linux /boot/vmlinuz-...[press TAB] ro root=/dev/system/root > initrd /boot/initrd-...[press TAB] > boot
好耶,OpenSuSE 12.1 順利啟動!
立刻進到 YaST 看看 bootloader 的設定
發先仍是 GRUB
將他改成 GRUB2 ,儲存,重新開機後 OK 了!